Wednesday, April 23, 2014

another sunny day!

ahhh. guess what? i'm feeling so guilty. of what? of over drinking, outing, spending, over enjoying too much fun until i'm getting this kinda feeling. something wrong with me? :'(

yes. especially when i not even read a sentence of book in the whole week, when i get tipsy, when i nearly puke, when i had a meal that cost me 30 pounds when i heard my friends around me said that they failed again for this and that subject. bbq. i feel so ashamed and  dare not to think of my parent. how they feel if they know i'm jolly kuat here.

but by doing all these only i feel good. at least i wouldn't get depress and hide in my room with tears and feeling lonely. my problem is yet to be solve, i've no idea what can i do to save this relationship. i pretend that i'm not care, i pretend that i'm strong enough to handle, actually i'm just running off from it.

anyway, here again me and my friend out to enjoy the wonderful day. never knew that i am actually love the sun. so much!

photo are all no filter. surprisingly i didn't look so bloated as in previous post. (:

with the right pose, your leg will magically look longer! and here, mine look so long. hahaha

the blue-est sky! 

it's MAY soon! omg! i pray for time passes slooooooooow please! i gonna miss u THE UK!

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